

UPS SCS (Slovakia) s.r.o.

Transportation and Freight - Extend your business reach by leveraging UPS’s global transportation network. Logistics - A single-source solution to meet your logistics and supply chain needs, from global distribution to post-sales service parts logistics. Customs Brokerage - Our customs-specific knowledge and expertise can help simplify the complexities of international trade management, from world-class customs brokerage to compliance consulting and managed services. Consulting Services - Real-world strategic direction and counsel that help companies align their supply chain operations with their business strategies. Industry Solutions - Choose an industry-specific problem, and UPS Supply Chain Solutions can provide the solution. We have proven experience in automotive, consumer goods, government, healthcare, high tech, industrial manufacturing, retail, and many other industries

Kontaktné údaje

Čo je je najväčší dopytový systém v Slovenskej republike, ktorý využíva 80 733 dodávateľov zo všetkých kategórii podnikania. Mesačne spracujeme cez 3 tis. dopytov vo finančnom objeme viac ako 75 mil. €.

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