The company has the responsibility to be the link between their clients in national & international markets, to simplify complex issues and to resolve unworkable ones, ICTS Logistic therefore offers a complete service of 360°, which coupled with its own policies, has allowed them to become partner with some large and important companies ICTS Logistic does not deal only in transport, but also it carries out Commodities for those customers who need to set up working practices, from finding raw material to management of end products Company has successfully implemented quality management system in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001:2008
- Availability 2600 MT ready to Volynskaja Region (UA) 70 kilometers from the border with Poland . - Coniferous Wood pellets 8mm (Best Quality ) - C...
- Sunflower Husk pellets 8 mm - $ 95 USD FCA - $ 105 USD FOB ODESSA (UA) ( from our warehouse ) - Big Bag 1 MT
- Availability 20 MT ready to Donesk Region (UA) - Oak Wood pellets 6mm (Best Quality ) - Capacity production free max 500 MT monthly - Big Bag 1... je najväčší dopytový systém v Slovenskej republike, ktorý využíva 80 810 dodávateľov zo všetkých kategórii podnikania. Mesačne spracujeme cez 3 tis. dopytov vo finančnom objeme viac ako 75 mil. €.
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