

Bitlayer was established with the goal of providing high quality software development through close partnership with its clients, ensuring that we develop at any given time what is of most value for them. Bitlayer offers a unique service of top-competent developers working on-site at the customer's premises as well as from our office in Slovakia. Our near-shoring services combine the best of both worlds: close contact with our customer, advanced technological knowledge, scalability and cost-competitive development.We can assist with all stages of the development cycle beginning by requirements analysis, system architecture, development, deployment, database design till test automation and maintenance. Our strength and specialization are: Salesforce development (expertise in consulting, customization of Salesforce CRM solutions, development in Apex, Visualforce, JavaScript or and integration with ERP, QlikView, Outlook, Microsoft, social media and mobile devices), Mobile applications development (native Android applications, hybrid Android/iOS applications) and Java/J2EE development (custom solutions to fulfill our customers’ specific business requests) In addition, Bitlayer is qualified by the Sellihca Qualification System.

Kontaktné údaje

Čo je je najväčší dopytový systém v Slovenskej republike, ktorý využíva 80 906 dodávateľov zo všetkých kategórii podnikania. Mesačne spracujeme cez 3 tis. dopytov vo finančnom objeme viac ako 75 mil. €.

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