

Campos & Parma s.r.o.

Campos & Parma s.r.o. converges more than 10 years of combined experience in Human Resources Managent, International Trade, Strategy Management, Investment Consulting, Marketing and Business Development. In contrast with our competence, we offer real experience to our customers. This is because we as co-founders Campos & Parma s.r.o., have established, developed and owned several companies on different branches, such as chemical wholesales, international business, medical services consulting and entertainment. All of them still active and working under different management. Thanks to this background, we are able to offer quality know-how, in a more close, personal consulting approach. This means getting involved in the problem being faced by the customer, analyzing each factor, developing solutions and establishing a plan of action that is monitored until completion.

Kontaktné údaje

Čo je je najväčší dopytový systém v Slovenskej republike, ktorý využíva 80 959 dodávateľov zo všetkých kategórii podnikania. Mesačne spracujeme cez 3 tis. dopytov vo finančnom objeme viac ako 75 mil. €.

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